
Celebrating the members of the League of Professional Theatre Women

Archive for the day “March 4, 2012”

Week in Review, February 27 – March 4, 2012

LPTW’s Blog30 was created to highlight the diversity, passion and brilliance of the individual members of the League of Professional Theatre Women in celebration of the organization’s 30th Anniversary. As theatre artists, administrators, and crew, we often work on productions that morph, develop and/or change mid-stream; Blog30 is no different. Today, we kick off our first Week in Review.

Every Sunday, the women featured in the previous six days, as well as three others from our first two months, will receive a little more attention, a second chance for readers to learn about them. Sunday is often a day for reflection, offering the opportunity to catch up on the previous week’s activities. Now, the Week in Review gives our readers the opportunity to experience a week’s entries in one easy sitting. We hope you enjoy the latest addition to Blog30.

[My dream is] to own my own train car; I love trains and aspire to outfit a car that can be attached to any train I wish. – Margery Klain, February 27

I was born into a family that prized creativity and the arts, where the pursuit of any artistic discipline was supported over acquiring property of any kind. – Joan D. Firestone, February 28

My favorite cocktail is the French 75 in either the gin and the cognac version, and I giggle helplessly at the 3-minute exchange between Steve Coogan and Ray Brydon in the movie The Trip “We rise at Daybreak”. – Katrin Hilbe, February 29

What gets me excited is access to an intimate view of a society or an issue I had only read about in the paper. – Pamela Golinski, March 1

I want to do anything and everything that scares me. – Valentina Fratti, March 2

I’ve been the person waiting hours for the box office to open, spending more on my ticket than I just earned, and choosing theatre when my knees would have preferred I stay home and ice them. – Gwynn McDonald, March 3

From the Archives: 
The magnificent half-human half-bird beings inhabited the stage, encircled mysteriously by colored lights. – Chiori Miyagawa, January 2

A community theatre production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that I saw in a church hall when I was six [changed my life]. – Helen Stern, January 9

Birds in flight with outstretched wings, wild flower fields, sunflowers, gardens, theatrical installations, costumes and fantasy figures all appear in my large paintings. – Kyle Blumenthal, January 16

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